(42 weeks pregnant, delivery day 7.22.08)
8lbs 14oz 21" longToday my little Norah turns 2! I can hardly believe how fast these last 2 years have flown by! It seems like just yesterday I was in the hospital with you! I still remember how happy I was that you decided to blessed me with an easy labor and I was given the VBAC I had so hoped for! You have such a fun and feisty little personality that radiates wherever you are, and a gracious heart full of love. We love you so much and thank our awesome God for bringing you into our lives!

Here are some of your favorite things!-You love to dress up (I think you must go through at least 4 outfit changes a day!)-Coincidentally, you also love going to the mall with Mommy! Target is your favorite store! (the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!)-Baby dolls, you're going to be a wonderful mommy someday it's so cute to see you take such good care of your "babies" you will bounce them and pat their backs while saying "It's ok baby, its ok" its adorable!-You love to "swing high" on our play set in the backyard- Sing! Right now you can sing most of the words to "Jesus Loves Me" "The ABC's" and "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" ....you *think* you know the words to Justin Beiber's "Baby, Baby" but we're still working on that one ;)-You equally enjoy dancing and we've been known to have quite a few dance parties throughout the day, weather it be in the house or in the car!-You also love talking on the phone! You have made more than 1 phone call (on your own) to both Grandmas! Thankfully, they love it when you give them a ring!{1 year old 7.22.09}
{I'm 2 now, watch out!}
xoxoxo,Mommy, Daddy and Jacob!
Last Saturday, we celebrated the 2nd birthday of Miss Norah Kate! I finally decided on a theme (bright colors/rainbows) a couple months ago and had such a fun time planning for her big day! It wasn't too hard to find decorations and ideas because with summer in full force, all the stores had exactly what I needed! Unfortunately, time ran out, and I was unable to decorate with everything I had bought, but nevertheless, it was a huge success!! I am going to try and link up everyone who helped me make the party what it was, so if you have any questions about anything below, you should be able to go directly to their web page! If not, just shoot me a message and I can help you out!Rae at "A R M O M M Y" designed this amazing invitation for me...
(this is the picture we printed on the backside)
my amazingly talented friend Angie created these labels, they matched just perfectly!
Jonah from "Maluhia" came up with these awesome (and reusable gift bags!)
Jessica over at "Kuntry Girl Flower Farm" sent over this beautiful arrangement for Norah Saturday morning! 

Katie D. made these DELICIOUS sugar cookies! (Everyone told me how much they enjoyed these)
We were also very pleased with the giant bouncy house from Topsy Turvy Bouncers they were at our house early to set up and even let us keep it for a little longer, they were very professional and we plan to use them again!

Rainbow fruit tray...yummy!
My good friend Brie spent an evening with me and helped me make this color banner (made with a Cricut Expression)
Frames purchased at Marshalls

Lollipops purchased at Party City
Silly straws purchased at Old Navy and Party City

these were hanging (at one point, lol)

...thank you to everyone who helped in celebrating Miss Norah on her special day :)