Monday, April 14, 2008

Jacobs New Do!!

We finally broke down and got Jacobs hair cut today!! My great friend Danielle made a house call and cut all of our hair today!! It was so nice having her come over...not to mention getting to watch Judge Judy while getting a head massage!! ...Thats the good life!! He did great, we occupied his time by putting his favorite show on the tv and gave him a sucker he sat in Stevens lap and did great!! We're all trimmed up for the summer!! I got a call from my Doctor the other day letting me know I passed my glucose test!! That the first test I'd passed in a while...needless to say I celebrated by eating some chewy chips-ahoy chocolate chip cookies!! I was afraid with all the Coke Id been drinking and sugar I'd been eating I was surely going to fail, but I guess the only place its going is to my hips!! Thats what gym memberships are for right?? Although I do have a new enemy... my sciatic nerve and I are not getting along at the moment. Its tolerable because it only effects me when Im laying on my back (which I know I shouldnt be doing anyways) or trying to roll over in bed...thankfully my Dr gave me a perscription for "Massage Therapy" so I will hopefully be starting that very soon!! I also figured out I have diastasis recti aka a torn ab sounds a lot worse than it really is but Im no longer able to do my ab workouts...I was really worried it would effect my pushing while in labor (pending Im able to do that) but my Dr said its actually quite a common occurance and not to worry at all...phew..other than my pinched nerve and seperated ab muscle Im doing great On friday our church had a salad and dessert social where we all got to try everyones dishes and then we were given a cute little recipie book to take home and make for ourselves if we ever wanted to! I was a fun time!! Jacob spent the night with Stevens parents and it was a nice break which allowed Steve to get a lot done in Avas room! On Saturday, we went to a memorial service for a friend from church; we know he is in Heaven now and that makes the grieving a little easier to deal with and what a beautiful day to remember him!! Afterwards we picked Jacob up and took him to the Orting daffodil festival! He had a great time, there were so many activities for kids to do in the park which kept Jacob quite entertained! That night I was able to sneak out and go to Christys spa party! It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to get my order!!! Sunday after church we were able to go to lunch with our good friends Chris and Angela! We enjoyed ourselves as it had been a long time with just the 4 of us (and the kiddos!) After Jacob woke up from his nap, I took him outside to help Steven do some shoveling in the back yard, it was so cute to see him try and mimic his dad; you could tell he was so proud of himself! Like father, like son!! I am so blessed with a great family and wonderful friends!!

Off to celebrate life with another cookie


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