....This was from last week
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
As Im sitting here trying to blog Im feeling a lot of movement from Ava today...I love her little kicks because shes still to small for it to "bug" me yet! Must have been the coke I had for lunch! On Sunday we celebrated Stevens neice's 4th birthday at Chuckie Cheese...(see pics in album) we were one of the first people there and the last to leave...not to mention we had over 100 tokens...you only need 1 token to play each game so we had a bunch to play...we had over 400 tickets in the end and were able to get Jacob a basketball...its his new favorite toy...when he gets ready to throw it; instead of saying "one, two, three.." he says "two, two, two" ...it makes me giggle...we wrote down his words and hes up to 23 now!! We cant wait until he puts them into sentences...the furthest he's gotten with that is ...Dada shoes or Dogs eye.. ect...nothing too profound yet but thats ok though we're in no rush..just enjoying each day! Monday I met up with 2 of my good friends and we walked 4 miles along the Orting trail and it was perfect weather for it too! Our friend Christia was hoping to start labor but unfortunatley it was unsuccessful so as we speak she's being induced today!! Yay!!...another friend of mine just had her baby this weekend along with a girl from church who had her little girl Haley yesterday around 1pm...seriously this is the week for babies...my friend Amy and other friend Deb are both having strong contractions...we're just waiting for the phone call!!...wow...not to mention 2 of my good friends are newly expecting...I guess thats just what happens when you hit your "mid 20's" here come the weddings and babies!! Im not complaining...I love it!!! Yay for babies :) yesterday my mom and I went to Costco to browse laptops but were unsuccessful b/c they only had 3 in stock..I looked online but they were still a little pricy...we decided to go to the mall for lunch and after we stopped into circuit city and found a laptop! its a toshiba 2GB with an intel pentium duo core processor! I love it and it was on sale for only 599.00! Finally I dont have to abandon my family upstairs to go online...I also bought steven guitar hero last night and he's officially addicted...lol so I sat on the couch with my new laptop and steven played guitar hero!! It worked out great! :) Today after going to the gym Jake and I stopped into Ross where we picked up a few outfits for steven and myself...I hope he likes them! Well...Im going to try and get a little rest in while Jacobs still sleeping and before we have to be at church tonight!Have a great night!Keren
PS...Jacobs picture is in the Orting Gazette today for his "official" entry in the beautiful baby contest for the city!! Check him out and vote for us!! haha...Thanks!
PS...Jacobs picture is in the Orting Gazette today for his "official" entry in the beautiful baby contest for the city!! Check him out and vote for us!! haha...Thanks!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I can see clearly now...the rain is gone!!
This week kicked off our annual Missions conference at church..I always look forward to meeting the missionaries and hearing their stories...on Thursday we had dinner with a few missionaries, one of them being from Namibia and it was amazing to hear about how large the country is with so little people...we got to see pictures of elephants and giraffes in the wild...I'd really love to go over to Africa now...they have a real need for missionaries over there...it was also brought up that even if you can never make it out of the country you can do so much in your own backyard...literally...Ive realized Gods placed us where we are at for a reason and to not take it for granted where we live...we need to be a light for our neighbors too! I wish we did the conference more than once a year because admist the hardships and struggles these people are faced with its amazing to see Gods soverignty be spread throughout the world! So thats pretty much been our week in a nutshell! We were able to have Steven all day today and mostly healthy so we decided to take advantage of him and "make" him accompany us to Wal Mart (sigh) although we're getting pretty quick at what we need so its wasnt that bad...afterwards we went on a beautiful bike ride through Orting, since we moved here in late August we really havent been able to take advantage of the bike trails and now we're regretting not going earlier...we had been going towards sumner but today we decided to go to South Prarie and I think thats our new preferance...it was simply gorgeous...seriously. We went right next to the river and just watched it sparkle while the water flowed down stream...we were also fortunate enough to see a bald eagle in a tree not far from us at all..we cant wait to take our friends down there this summer!! Not to mention its a great workout! We were able to use our new zoo membership on Friday and meet Carly and Gabe for an afternoon of fun...I hope to be able to really take advantage of the membership a lot this year...tomorrow we have Stevens little "sisters" 4th bday party tomorrow at Chuckie Cheese...Im sure jakes just going to love it ...especially the balls...(do they even still have the balls??) its been forever since i've been to a chuckie cheese...and we're going to the one in Olympia..nice thing is that its connected to the mall so maybe i'll get "lost" and sneak out for a bit!! ...speaking of the mall I was able to find a few things at Gymboree the other day...I've been looking more for littlier sizes..thats what Im "lacking" so I got a few sleepers but when I went to Target I managed to find 2 more pairs of shoes...ugh..what can I say...Im in need some self control!!...Im off to the Supermall tonight to find a birthday present...and maybe wander into Carters :) we'll see...time to get Jacob up from a nap...its after 6 and he wont go to bed if I dont!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Look Out...Gymboree is having a Baby Sale!!
Yippee!! Not to mention I got an additional 20% off coupon in the mail!!...I was never impressed with the boys stuff they had so hopefully I'll be able to make up for it now Jake woke me up today at which I thought was 9:00am ...so I woke up and got him and I some breakfast sat down to watch Regis and Kelly and what do I feast my eyes upon???...none other than Good Flippin Morning America...it was only 8am! Ah! Somehow we managed to survive with a little help of the sun shining into the windows...I saw many people today on the Orting trail and it got me super excited to be able to walk/bike it soon! A good friend from church invited me and some other ladies from church over to her house today for brunch...it was a lot of fun had by all and great food too (wink wink) ...from there we met my dad at Costco to get some prints of Jacob that www.christypelland.blogspot.com took...we were all so happy on how they turned out and I feel so fortunate to have such a generous friend do this for us! Needless to say we will soon have a shrine up on the wall of the most recent photo session! As I was browsing the Gazette (our local paper) I noticed an article for Ortings beautiful baby contest...and I thought...why not!..so from Costco I went to the Gazette headquarters and dropped off my entry for Jacob! :) So all you Orting residents keep your eyes posted for Jacob and vote for my little man (that is, as long as your babies are in it!) The plan was to go to the gym tonight but Steven took my car to a side job so Im carless...not Careless...like some would think...carless...lol ...I will go tomorrow after Jakes Dr appt...(hes got a bothersome rash that wont go away...its also spreading to his mouth...) ugh! So off I go to clean the house before Steven gets home!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Dresses, Dolls and Pink Oh My!!

I can finally begin to "feel" summer soon approaching...ok...maybe not summer but spring is sure sneaking up!!...I love being able to wear my sunglasses...even if it is only 50 something outside!..thats how us "Washingtonians" do it! I was driving with the window rolled down today too! My good friend told me it is supposed to be nearly 60 tomorrow! I'd love to get Jacob to the zoo this week since she's mentioned it...that AND the gym...I didnt go at all this last week..ugh! (Ava's moving a lot right now...so at least someone is getting their exercise ) Yesterday we met Steves mom in Olympia for lunch at Red Robin (yum! holla at the bottomless freckled lemonades!) from there she took Jacob for the night and steve and I did a little shopping.. but not enough! lol...I was in Old Navy...we'll just call it "browsing" the newborn girls section and there were a lot of people also shopping...uhh I mean "browsing" a few were looking for gifts for someone who wasnt finding out what they were having and the others were looking at boy stuff...seriously...I had the biggest smile on my face the whole time!! I felt like a kid in a candy store I was saturated in PINK!...I loved it!!...not to mention everything was 40% off! So we got a few things and came home to do our taxes (yay!) and then my dad dropped off all of my Toy Story collection which is now residing in our office...ugh...time to clean again...for dinner we had our friends Suzie and Andy over for an entertaining game of Phase 10 and Uno! ...we're old and married now...we spend our nights around a table playing card games!! Needless to say we had a lot of fun and being baby free was nice too! Today we went to church and saw some good friends and ate a great lunch...we picked up Jacob from steves mom and dad and headed to the mall...(again) to return something....after getting home we put Jacob down...(for a nap)...not like an animal..lol and caught up on the last episode of Survivor, Judge Judy and Ellen, and here I sit while steven washes my car ? yay for sunny days!!
Until next time...keren
PS...I cant believe we're having a girl!!!!!!!!!!!
Until next time...keren
PS...I cant believe we're having a girl!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
It's a.....
Monday, February 11, 2008
Houston.....We Have Carpet!!!

So I had my dr appt today...everything looked great...except for the fact I put on 4 lbs...what the heck?? I join the gym and now I gain 4 lbs?? So now Im only down 2 lbs and I have a strong feeling that will be gone next month :) Oh well...part of the package right?? When I was pg with Jake the heartrate was always high 150's low 160's...and even at the last appt the h/r was 153...(i think)...well today I was shocked when he said it was 136-138...ahhh...I thought that was scary low but he told me he sees them at 110 and thats still ok...as long as its between 110-165ish we're great...so with that I was a happy clam! Now for sure it must be a boy right?? lol has anyone ever heard of or used the Shettles method?? I googled it and its quite interesting...anyhoots my blood levels were in fact still the same which was another wonderful blessing and we're right on track for the big u/s in a week! After the appt I picked Jake back up from my mom and dads where we went to the south hill mall and grabbed lunch with Suzie! We had a great time and she got some adorable clothes...(I have to wait until tomorrow to do my shopping :) pay day...lol) After that we came home and took naps...steven came home and I woke up with an incredible urge for some Sakuras....serious. urge. So we made a reservation and zipped out..threw jake in the car and off we went...it was sooo worth it was Hit The Spot!!....After we went to the mall and let jake play in the kids area and also looked at curtains from jcpenny *sale alert..buy 1 curtain get one for 1.00!!! So we bought some curtains!! yay!! Im striving hard to get at least the downstairs complete by next friday!...no pressure :) So now that we are back from dinner and the mall Im off to see Steven!!
Thanks for reading!-Keren!
Thanks for reading!-Keren!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
My Back Hurts....
Im not only writing this blog in red/pink because its almost valentines day...but because carly is having a girl!!!..Its what she really wanted and Im so happy for her :) Go team pink!...On another note Apryl is having a boy which I must say Im a little bias for, for obvious reasons!! Go team blue!!....We'll see which barrier I break...blue side or pink side!! I went to MOPS today and heard a wonderful speaker on Love and Intimacy...she was really good...and convicting...I realized I need to be more submissive and not try and "wear the pants" so often..among other things...I really appreciated her! After that Morgan (Sophia and her friend) , Christy (Reese), Renee, Audrey (Eliza) , Kari (Tatum and Kylie), Danielle (Macee) and her sister and I (with Jake) went to the Olive Garden for lunch...we had a great time...especially b/c we got a 50.00 gift card b/c our 1st waiter was a jerk...he literally out loud said "Oh my God, this is going to make me want to kill myself"...in regards to having to "deal" with moms and their babies...ohh please...the babies were perfect and we were all ordering the same thing...isnt that a waiters dream?? Oh well...we were very well taken care of after he was "dismissed" lol we had a great time catching up with everyone but sure missed Michelle (and Owen) and Stepheni (and Brandon!) :) after that we went home to take naps and then went to church tonight...my parents took jacob for the night b/c I have an early dr appt in the morning and it was just going to be easier if I didnt have to drop Jake off in the morning!! So now steven and I have been emptying the baby's room and jacobs room in order to get new carpet thats getting installed on Saturday!! Yay...one step closer to our new house!! All of a sudden my lower back has been aching..dont know why but oh well...I downed yet another bag of sour patch kids this evening as well as a large slurpee...(Im afraid to get weighed tomorrow) yikes...I think I may have made up for the 6 lbs lost over the last 4 months...we'll see :) Pray for a great check up and that my blood levels didnt go up this month..(also I will see if I can maybe sneak in an ultrasound...if they have one in the clinic :) we'll see....
until next time.
until next time.
10 days and counting....
I am so excited...I found out today my friend from the message boards Im on is having a girl...tomorrow I get to find out what my friend Apryl is having and Wednesday Carly finds out!! I cant take it...Im just as excited to find out what they're having than myself!! Thursday we went over to christys for some awesome dinner...it was great to have a home cooked meal...friday I went over to my friend Jessicas new house and we ate lunch and then worked out together!!...That night we had our monthly card night at our friends house...Stevens grandma had to go into the hospital so we've been praying hard for her...we had a dinner at my parents house with 4 couples ..*it's called fellowship 8 and its a great way to get to know people from the church...we had a great time and the food was excellent!! Sunday we went to church and then came home..let jake take a nap and then went back over to jessicas to watch the game...yay giants!!...we also watched house and played a new card game!!...today we had some plumbers over and got a tune up on our pipes and toilets...so now our house is in check so we will hopefully have no more accidents...then Jake and I went to the gym, bank and got gas...exciting huh?? lol Im writing very vaguely because Steven just got home and Im anxious to see him!!...
Until next time,
Until next time,
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