Tuesday, May 6, 2008


With all the events that have happened this weekend I am reminded how thankful I am and to not be taking things for granted. I am thankful for my parents who were able to watch Jacob for us while we went to visit Katie this weekend, without them we would have struggled to be able to dedicate 100% focus to her. I can always count on them, not only as a babysitter but for support and advice as well. I am thankful for Stevens job which allowed us to go out and eat a great dinner by ourselves that night in Seattle (The Wild Ginger, you gotta try it) Im thankful for our house that God has graciously given us. I am thankful for 2 healthy babies. I so very often take for granted human life. I am reminded as I look at a blog I've been reading on a daily basis www.whenhellomeansgoodbye.blogspot.com how precious life truly is and to not sweat the small stuff. There are many people who have it far worse than me and to be stuck in my own pity party is a waste of time. I am thankful for an amazing church with an amazing Pastor who continually challenges us to become better Christians. I am thankful for my awesome friends who always keep me entertained and will do anything for me in a heartbeat. I am thankful for my husband who works so very hard to provide us with a great life and works far beyond your "typical" workday in order to do so. I am thankful that he is so patient and loving and looks beyond my flaws to be so forgiving. I am thankful for a free nation which allows me the opportunity to do far more than a woman in other countries. These are just a few things I am thankful for as I could go on and on...just a reminder for everyone how fast things can be taken away and to not take them for granted...


Michelle said...

Keren, you're so right! I know that even in this time right now I need to be thankful that I am going through this... God gives us struggles to make us stronger and to keep us close to him. You've reminded me of being thankful for everything good or bad because they all are from the Lord! We're some blessed girls!!!

Angela Miller said...

Well said! It is so easy to get comfortable in our everyday circumstances and forget to thank God for Everything He has given us. We truly are blessed!!!

Stephanie said...

Good for you Keren :)
And know that I am praying for your friend Katie.